What's Twosday and is it the luckiest palindrome day in a millennium? (2024)

If you’re planning a proposal, booking your driving test or simply planning a drastic new hair do then today may well be a good day for it.

Twosday — Tuesday, February 22, 2022 — is being dubbed one of the luckiest days in a millennium by numerologists who claim that spiritual energy will be off the charts.

Numerology is the pseudoscientific belief in a divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events, and practitioners are saying the date holds incredible significance.

The date is known as a palindrome — a sequence that reads the same forwards and backwards — of which there are only 60 days in this entire millennium.

That makes it the perfect day for making a change in your life, according to numerologist Josh Siegel.

“The date itself is a significant representation of the numbers 2, 20 and 22,” he says. “These numbers all relate to intuition and awakenings.

“The number two represents duality, the decisions we make and how we see others. It is an indication that we may have fallen out of balance.”

For numerologist and soul coach Ann Perry, it is a date for laying down the law and deciding what we really want from life.

What's Twosday and is it the luckiest palindrome day in a millennium? (1)

“The totality of February 22, 2022 comes up as a three vibration that is encouraging us all to express ourselves,” she says. “Tell people you are no longer going to be their doormat. Tell them you are building a life full of plans for a better future.

"Are we taking on responsibilities to be loved, or are we jumping in because we love doing it?

“Are we acting out of a place of service or servitude? We will be exploring ways to release the need for perfectionism while trying to establish balance in our lives.”

Tying the knot

Across the world, couples are changing their wedding plans to start married life on Twosday.

In Singapore, more than 500 couples are planning to tie the knot today, which is nearly nine times the usual number.

Meanwhile, in Las Vegas, news site casino.org reported that officiants and venues are booked solid with it set to become the busiest for weddings in recent Nevada history.

What's Twosday and is it the luckiest palindrome day in a millennium? (2)

In Sacramento, California, 222 couples are encouraged to bring their marriage licences and come dressed to impress for “Sacramento's biggest, once-in-a-lifetime collective wedding event” at the State Capitol.

The ceremony will start at 2pm and conclude at 2.22pm, followed by a celebration.

In Siegel’s opinion, it is an excellent day to get married, though he warns that every marriage requires hard work regardless of the anniversary date.

“The day for marriage would symbolise a deeper union and co-operation, a more balanced and equitable relationship,” he says. “It is a promise to work together as a team and sense each other's needs.

“This is a general time frame for more awakened types to do their part to find points of agreement with those of a different opinion.

“Although the influence is there, it is up to each of us to use this cycle in the highest way we can.”

Welcoming new additions

Mums-to-be may want to take a brisk walk or eat a spicy curry if the hype is to be believed.

According to Siegel, babies born on Twosday will be a harmonious addition to the family.

“Those who are born on this day may have heightened intuition and would be natural peacemakers,” he says. “They are coming into a world that needs them to help us find harmony, to show us we are far more similar than what we may believe.”

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Teacher Angela Minervini is expecting her first baby on 22/02/22 and though she expects the arrival to be the end of her peace and quiet, she says she’ll take all the luck she can get.

“I’m not usually one for superstitions or lucky numbers but in this case, I’m prepared to get on board,” she says with a laugh.

“I’m hoping that I’ll be in and out of the hospital within a few hours wearing a pair of size eight jeans, but that would be more of a miracle than good luck I imagine.”

Minervini, who is from England but lives in Panama, Central America, is expecting a son with her partner Carlos.

“I think we’re already incredibly lucky to be having a healthy baby,” she says. “Anything else is just a bonus.

“As for a peaceful presence, I’ll take that over dramatics any day.”

The countdown

A website dedicated to Twosday has been set up at 22-2-22.com, featuring a live countdown and an online shop selling Twosday T-shirts for €22 ($25) with shipping available to the UAE.

The homepage reads: "After a couple of years of pain and frustration from the pandemic, the world is in hunger of joy, happiness and self-care.

"For the very, very few getting married — let's celebrate them. For the 0.27 per cent of the world's population having their birthday on 22/02 — let's celebrate them.

“And for the rest of us — for the more than 99 per cent of us — let's make it a day of cosiness. A day of taking care of ourselves. A day of making sure that we don't forget ourselves in the daily circus of life."

One thing we perhaps shouldn't forget is a lottery ticket.

Updated: May 31, 2023, 10:55 AM

What's Twosday and is it the luckiest palindrome day in a millennium? (2024)


What's Twosday and is it the luckiest palindrome day in a millennium? ›

February 22, 2022 is known as Twosday and is said by some to be a lucky day. If you're planning a proposal, booking your driving test or simply planning a drastic new hair do then today may well be a good day for it.

What is the meaning of the word Twosday? ›

The name is a portmanteau of two and Tuesday, deriving from the fact that the digits of the date form a numeral palindrome marked by exclusivity or prevalence of the digit 2—when written in different numerical date formats, such as: 22/02/2022, 22/2/22 and 2/22/22. It is also an ambigram.

Is the date 2 22 22 rare? ›

The date is so rare the National Weather Service says a "Twosday" won't happen again for another 400 years, in 2422.

What is today called 2 2 22? ›

It's a special day. Tuesday is Feb. 22, 2022, or 2/22/22, a palindrome that is able to be read forward and backward, unofficially known as Twosday. We won't be around for the next Twosday as the National Weather Service says that 2/22/22 on a Tuesday won't happen until 2422, USA Today reported.

What is a palindrome and an Ambigram date? ›

22 February 2022 is written as 22/02/2022 numerically and is, therefore, a palindrome as it can be read the same way forward and backwards. It is an ambigram as well because it is the same upside down! If we drop the slash marks from today's date, 22022022, we will notice that it contains only two digits-- 0 and 2.

How rare is Twosday? ›

22, 2022 is notable because it's a palindrome date. That's because 2/22/22 reads the same both forward and back. So just how rare is a Twosday? The National Weather Service said you'll have to wait another 400 years for the next one.

What does 22 22 day mean spiritually? ›

When 2 is in sequence like it is in 222, this energy is super-charged. There is a call to approach life with more compassion, to seek better balance, to work cooperatively with others, to seek partnership when you can and strive for harmony.

How rare is a palindrome day? ›

Depending on date formats, palindromic dates can be rare. Aziz S. Inan, an electrical engineering professor at the University of Portland, has calculated that in the mm-dd-yyyy format, Palindrome Days tend to occur only in the first few centuries of each millennium (1000 years).

Is 2 22 a lucky day? ›

“The number 2 represents peace, harmony, balance and cooperation. But that 22, that's a master number. You are being gifted the opportunity to become the master builder using this energy of the 2, 22, 22 to ascend to a new you,” she said.

What are the palindrome dates for 2024? ›

Did you know this whole week is full of palindromes? Just look at the date!
  • April 2, 2024 (4-2-24)
  • April 20, 2024 (4-20-24)
  • April 21, 2024 (4-21-24)
  • April 22, 2024 (4-22-24)
  • April 23, 2024 (4-23-24)
  • April 24, 2024 (4-24-24)
  • April 25, 2024 (4-25-24)
  • April 26, 2024 (4-26-24)
Apr 24, 2024

Will there be another Twosday? ›

"We didn't even realize the significance of the date until we were getting admitted to the hospital," said Alex Damian. "We were like, she could be born on 2/22/22." Happy 'Twosday!' The rare circ*mstance of 2/22/22 occurring on a Tuesday won't happen again for another 400 years.

What day is February 2nd, 22222? ›

The date is February 22, 2022. When you write it, 2/22/22, it's a palindrome, meaning it reads the same forward and backward. It also falls on a Tuesday, which is now referred to as Twosday.

Is a palindrome date lucky? ›

But number sequences, dates, and times may also be palindromes: 3/20/23 and 11:11. Palindrome dates are especially notable because they are rare. For this reason, they are believed to be lucky.

What are 3 palindrome dates? ›

Here are the 12 palindrome dates that have/will happen in this century:
  • October 2, 2001 (10-02-2001)
  • January 2, 2010 (01-02-2010)
  • November 2, 2011 (11-02-2011)
  • February 2, 2020 (02-02-2020)
  • December 2, 2021 (12-02-2021)
  • March 2, 2030 (03-02-2030)
  • April 2, 2040 (04-02-2040)
  • May 2, 2050 (05-02-2050)
Apr 24, 2024

What do you call a date that is the same backwards? ›

Dates. A day or timestamp is a palindrome when its digits are the same when reversed.

What is the next palindrome date? ›

February 20, 2022 (2202022) March 20, 2023 (3202023) April 20, 2024 (4202024) May 20, 2025 (5202025)

How often does Twosday happen? ›

According to the National Weather Service, a “Twosday” like this won't happen again until 2422 — 400 years from now. It's true the number pattern stands out, impossible to miss. But does it mean anything? “Twosday” carries absolutely no historical significance or any cosmic message.

Where does the word ambigram come from? ›

Etymology. The word ambigram was coined in 1983 by Douglas Hofstadter, an American scholar of cognitive science best known as the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the book Gödel, Escher, Bach. It is a neologism composed of the Latin prefix ambi- ("both") and the Greek suffix -gram ("drawing, writing").

What is the significance of 2.22 22? ›

Thanks to the date's repeating numbers, it's considered an angel number in numerology, or a number bearing a particular energy or universal message. In this case, the meaning of the date 2/22/22 is about connections and coming together—not just in one-on-one pairs, but among larger groups and communities, as well.

What does Domesday mean in English? ›

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024. dooms•day /ˈdumzˌdeɪ/ n. Religion[proper noun] the day of the Last Judgment, at the end of the world. nuclear destruction of the world:[uncountable]a story about doomsday in the near future.


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