The rarest birthdays: Exploring the most unusual birth dates (2024)

Everyone's birthday is special, but some people may have an extra unique or uncommon day to celebrate. Interestingly enough, the patterns for rare birthdays occur for some very human reasons. Let's take a look at the rarest birthdays and what makes them so unique.

What are the rarest birthdays?

More unusual birth dates

  • July 4th is often overshadowed by national celebrations in the United States, so it’s fitting it’s also one of the rarer birth dates.

  • September 11th has seen a notable dip in birth rates since the events of 2001, making this day of the year considerably less common for birthdays.

  • December 31st is a day when many are preoccupied with New Year's Eve festivities, which may contribute to its rarity as a birthday.

  • April 1st, April Fool's Day, a day often associated with pranks and jests, also ranks lower in common birth dates.

  • November 27th can sometimes coincide with Thanksgiving in the United States, a day typically reserved for family gatherings and gratitude. This means a low number of scheduled births, which may influence its occurrence as a birth date.

What are the rarest Zodiac signs?

According to astrologer Dean Burnett, the rarest Zodiac signs are Aquarius and Leo. This is due to statistical factors such as birth rates and seasonality, rather than anything related to the actual traits of these signs. Remember, February isn’t a common birth month. In second place for least common Zodiac signs are Gemini and Capricorn.

Celebrities and historical figures with rare birthdays

  • February 29th: Rapper Ja Rule, actor Antonio Sabato Jr., and Superman were all born on a leap day.

  • December 24th: Actor Ryan Seacrest, designer Kate Spade, Ricky Martin and Lee Daniels all share this unique birth date.

  • January 1st: Author J.D. Salinger, Paul Revere and Grandmaster Flash were all born on New Year's Day.

  • December 25th: Humphrey Bogart, Jimmy Buffet, Dido, and Canadian Prime Miniser Justin Trudeau all share this seldom-seen birthday.

  • January 2nd: Kate Bosworth, and Dax Shepard were born on this date.

Whether your birthday is on a rare date or not, it’s a personal hallmark that's worthy of celebration. Embracing these unique quirks in our calendar can make for memorable stories and special celebrations that stand out a little bit more.

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The rarest birthdays: Exploring the most unusual birth dates (2024)


The rarest birthdays: Exploring the most unusual birth dates? ›

Unsurprisingly, February 29 th is the least common birthday. Because Leap Day only rolls around every four years, there's only a 1/1,461 chance of being born on this day (versus 1/365 for any other given day).

What is the rarest birthday to be born on? ›

Unsurprisingly, February 29 th is the least common birthday. Because Leap Day only rolls around every four years, there's only a 1/1,461 chance of being born on this day (versus 1/365 for any other given day).

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First, which month has the least birthdays? The data comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Social Security Administration. The rarest month to be born in is February, making Aquarius the rarest zodiac sign. February is the shortest month of the year, even with a leap year.

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The most common birthday revealed

After analyzing birth data, researchers have found that September 9th emerges as one of the most common birthdays in the United States. This intriguing finding suggests a higher number of births around this date than any other time of the year.

What is the most common birthday in the world? ›

According to data collected over more than 20 years, the most common birthday is September 9, which just so happens to literally be Labor Day, depending on the year. Here's the thing though, the numbers aren't all that dramatically different than most other days.

Is there a day no one was born? ›

There are simply too many people for there to be a day when no one is born.My calculations are subject to review and correction, but they are as follow: Assuming a world population of 7.3 billion, increasing by 50 million per year, and a median life expectancy of 70 years, there are 285,527 deaths worldwide each day ( ...

What day is it rare to be born on? ›

There is only a 1 in 1,461 chance of giving birth on the leap day holiday, making it the most rare birthday a person can have.

Which month is very rare to born? ›

February 29th: February 29th (Leap Day during Leap Year) is the rarest birthday with only a one in roughly 1,460 chance of being born on this date. February is one of the least popular months for new births.

What month is no one born? ›

Did you know? February 3rd is the only day where no one in history has ever been born. Despite much scientific study, there is no explanation for this phenomena. Historically it has been referred to as “the empty day” or “nobody's birthday”.

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August is, overall, the most popular month for birthdays, which makes sense. A late August birthday means December conception. Cold weather, snow, romantic fires and holiday parties seems to create just the right equation for the beginning of human mating season.

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The Least Common Birthdays

December 25 (Christmas Day) is the least common birthday, while January 1 (New Year's Day) is the second least common. December 24 (Christmas Eve) also makes the list as the 3rd least common birthday while July 4 (Independence Day) is the 4th least common birthday.

What was the best day to be born? ›

6th June Is The Best Day To Be Born for Success

This was devised by looking at 1,753 birthdays of successful people across 14 different categories. More birthdays fell on the 6th June than any other day of the year. If you were born on 6th June, you share your birthday with: Billionaire Graeme Hart.

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Which birthdays are considered milestones? As mentioned above 16,17, 18 and 21 are often considered milestone birthdays. After that, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th birthdays are significant.

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People Born On THESE 5 Dates Achieve Massive Success In Their Career
  • Number 1 (People Born On 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month) ...
  • Number 3 (People born on 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month) ...
  • Number 4 (People born on 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month) ...
  • Number 6 (People born on 6th, 15th, and 24th of any month)
Mar 31, 2024

Which is a rare birthday? ›

The least common birthday is leap day, or February 29. But because the day only occurs once every four years, it's obvious it would yield the least amount of birthdays. The rarest birthday of the 365 annual calendar days is Christmas Day, Dec. 25.

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These are the rarest birthdays in the U.S. and the average number of births on that day each year.
  • December 25 (6,574 average yearly births)
  • January 1 (7,792 average yearly births)
  • December 24 (8,069 average daily births)
  • July 4 (8,796 average yearly births)
  • January 2 (9,307 average yearly births)
Mar 20, 2023

What are the top 100 rarest birthdays? ›

December 25 is still the rarest birthday, with only about 6500 babies born that day. The next least common birthdays are January 1, December 24, July 4, January 2, December 26, November 27, November 23, November 25, and October 31. The rarest U.S. birthdays outside of holidays are April 1 and April 13.

Is a golden birthday rare? ›

Conclusion. A golden birthday, double golden birthday, or triple golden birthday are all rare events that won't repeat in your life. Hence, having a grand golden birthday celebration with the perfect gift will allow the birthday celebrant to have all the fun on these days. Fortunately, the Celebrate.

What makes a birthday rare? ›

The least common birthday is leap day, or February 29. But because the day only occurs once every four years, it's obvious it would yield the least amount of birthdays. The rarest birthday of the 365 annual calendar days is Christmas Day, Dec. 25.

Is February 29 the rarest birthday? ›

There's only a one in 1461 chance of being born on February 29, making it the rarest birthday. Yet, us leaplings are still not as unique as we feel.


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.