It's 'Twosday!' No matter where you are in the world, today's palindrome date is the same (2024)

The deuces are wild today as one of the grandest palindromes of 2022 arrives on Tuesday, unofficially known as "Twosday."

Feb. 22, 2022, is written out numericallyis 2/22/22. Not only is it a palindrome because it reads the same forward and backward, but what makes it special is the date has all twos. It will also be the same no matter what part of the world you're in, regardless of whether your country uses the day-month-year or year-month-day format.

It also will be on a Tuesday, (and 290 years after George Washington was born). The date is so rare the National Weather Service says a "Twosday" won't happen again for another 400 years, in 2422.

The ultimate palindrome will occur at 2:22 a.m. or p.m., or at 22:22 military time.

"Twosday" is just one of several palindrome dates this week. Beginning on Monday, each day for the rest of the month is a palindrome, using the United States' date notation(2/20/22, 2/21/22, 2/22/22, 2/23/22, 2/24/22, 2/25/22, 2/26/22, 2/27/22 and 2/28/22).

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Because Feb. 2 was also a palindrome, that gives the shortest month of the year 10 palindrome dates. Sunday was the only seven-digit palindrome: 2/20/2022.

There won't be any more palindrome dates for the rest of the year, unless you follow the day/month/year format, where there already have been three(22/1/22, 2/2/22 and 22/2/22), according to Farmer's Almanac. Those upcoming palindrome dates will be:22/3/22, 22/4/22, 22/5/22, 22/6/22, 22/7/22, 22/8/22, 22/9/22 and22/11/22.

Last yearhad 22 palindrome dates of at least four digits, a rare occurrence thatwon't happen again for 90 years, in 2111.

Some people are excited about the date.

The has been anticipating the date since 2019. The website's creator, Morten Heedegaard, told The Washington Post he created the date as a joke but has since heard from numerous people who will be celebrating on the date.

A Google surprise

Google also is celebrating "Twosday."

If you Google 2/22/22, confetti will fall down your screen, and you will get a message of "Happy Twosday 2 You!"

Follow Jordan Mendoza on Twitter:@jordan_mendoza5.

It's 'Twosday!' No matter where you are in the world, today's palindrome date is the same (2024)


How is today's date a palindrome? ›

Today's date is 4-24-24. Today's date in reverse is 4-24-24. Yes, you are currently in the midst of a palindrome week! A palindrome is a word, verse, sentence or number that reads the same backward or forward.

What is it called when the date numbers are all the same? ›

According to, the current millennium will feature 36 palindrome days, the first occurring on October 1, 2001, and the last will occur on September 22, 2290. Here are the 12 palindrome dates that have/will happen in this century: October 2, 2001 (10-02-2001) January 2, 2010 (01-02-2010)

How rare is Twosday? ›

SignificancePalindromic and ambigramic Gregorian calendar date marked by exclusivity or prevalence of digit 2; fad
CelebrationsMass weddings, time capsules, sales promotions
DateFebruary 22, 2022
FrequencyEvery 400 years
1 more row

How rare is an 8 digit palindrome date? ›

According to Aziz Inan, University of Portland's professor of engineering, "Eight-digit palindrome dates are very rare and are clustered in the first three or so centuries at the beginning of a millennial, and then don't show up for 600 to 700 years, until they appear as a cluster in the next millennium".

What is the next palindrome date in 2024? ›

LIST OF PALINDROME DAYS IN 2024: April 2, 2024 (4-2-24) April 20, 2024 (4-20-24) April 21, 2024 (4-21-24)

What is the spiritual meaning of a palindrome date? ›

Palindrome days are not the same as an angel number day, but they are both considered lucky in numerology. According to the Farmers Almanac, “Palindrome dates are especially notable because they are rare. For this reason, they are believed to be lucky.”

Are April 2024 dates the same backwards? ›

(KOIN) — April comes to a close with 10 days that read the same forward as they do backward. That's because any word, phrases or sequence that reads the same in both directions is known as a “palindrome.” This fun and rare occurrence stretches from April 20, 2024 to April 29, 2024.

What is an angel number? ›

What does angel number mean? An angel number is a number sequence that contains a repeated number series. For example, 777 and 5353 are angel numbers. Some people believe angel numbers have spiritual significance. Typically, an angel number is from two to four numbers long.

What date in April 2024 are palindromes? ›

Did you know this whole week is full of palindromes? Just look at the date!
  • April 2, 2024 (4-2-24)
  • April 20, 2024 (4-20-24)
  • April 21, 2024 (4-21-24)
  • April 22, 2024 (4-22-24)
  • April 23, 2024 (4-23-24)
  • April 24, 2024 (4-24-24)
  • April 25, 2024 (4-25-24)
  • April 26, 2024 (4-26-24)
Apr 24, 2024

When was the last Twosday? ›

2-22-22: That's a fun string of numbers, and it represents a once-in-a-lifetime date! February 2, 2022, when written in month-day-year notation, is 2-22-22, a string of twos that has led some people to call the day Twosday. (Conveniently, 2-22-22 even landed on a Tuesday this time around.)

Why is today's date so special? ›

Today is a very unusual and rare day in our calendar. The date, which has been dubbed 'Twosday', is what is referred to as a palindrome - as our dating format shows it as 22/02/2022. A palindrome can be a word or a set of numbers that can be read in the same way backwards as it appears forwards.

Why is 2.22 22 important? ›

The date is considered to be auspicious in the Chinese calendar, reports the South China Morning Post, because of its even numbers, and the fact that it is a palindrome in countries that record dates as day/month/year: 22/02/2022.

What is the next palindrome day? ›

February 20, 2022 (2202022) March 20, 2023 (3202023) April 20, 2024 (4202024) May 20, 2025 (5202025)

What do you call a date that is the same backwards? ›

Dates. A day or timestamp is a palindrome when its digits are the same when reversed.

What is the palindrome date for 2026? ›

May 20, 2025 (5202025) 20. June 20, 2026 (6202026) 21.

Why is it palindrome day? ›

Palindrome Days happen when the day's date can be read the same way backward and forward. The dates are similar to word palindromes in that they are symmetrical. 'BOB' is a palindrome.

What is 4 24 24 backwards? ›

24 is a palindrome date, the same forwards & backwards.

How many palindromes are there in April 2024? ›

The 10-day stretch begins Saturday, April 20, and continues through Monday, April 29. All of the palindrome dates this month are: 4-20-24, 4-21-24, 4-22-24, 4-23-24, 4-24-24, 4-25-24, 4-26-24, 4-27-24, 4-28-24 and 4-29-24.

What is the meaning of 4202024? ›

In case anyone didn't know yet, 420 this year is a palindrome date. 4/20/2024 is the same set of numbers backwards and forwards. Well, if you remove the slashes. So you can get stoned AND trip out on the calendar!


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