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Weathering theEconomic Storm


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MISSION STATEMENTThe Clarion is a student newspaper for the Bethel

University community. The views expressed are not neces-sarily those of Bethel University.

The Clarion provides a forum for the exchange of infor-mation and ideas. Through truthful reporting, it functions as a resource and voice for the body it represents.

Write a letter to the editor.Send submissions no longer than 400 words to [emailprotected]. Anonymous letters will not be considered.

The Clarion is published biweekly. All material herein is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the editor and Bethel University.

All non-assigned material to be printed must include the author’s name and be submitted one week before the next date of publication.

NEWS EDITORChelsey [emailprotected]

VIEWS EDITORAlex [emailprotected]

CULTURE EDITORLexi [emailprotected]

SPORTS EDITORBrock [emailprotected]

PHOTO EDITORJared [emailprotected]

STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERAlexis [emailprotected]

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ASSISTANT LAYOUT DESIGNERShara [emailprotected] LAYOUT EDITORKatherine [emailprotected]

COPY EDITORSamantha [emailprotected]

WEB EDITORCaleb [emailprotected]

STAFF WRITERSara [emailprotected]




PRINTERNorthstar Media, Inc.Cambridge, Minn.

FACEBOOKBethel University Clarion



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At a Christian university, athletics are not just about winning, they’re about the development of the players. Given this, the team name of Royals seems to be fitting because being a Royal is about “becoming a man or woman of Christian character," said Sherie Lindvall, Senior Vice President of Communications and Marketing. "Royals are loyal servants of the King,” she added.

Lindvall continued to explain that Bethel’s team mascot, the lion, also seems fitting because it is often seen as a representa-tion of The King. The colors of regal blue and gold may tie in to Bethel’s Scandinavian roots as they are royal Swedish colors. Re-cently, the Royals have moved from those colors to a more navy blue and a metallic gold, but the connection remains.



What is a Royaland why is our mascot a lion?By Sara raSSlerof The Clarion Staff

Total number of new college graduates hired, in thousands

By year of birthThe generations

New hires Average per employer Annual percent change

Hiring expectations

Millennialsand college

Generations at work

Average number of hiresper employer

Percentage changefrom year to year

College graduates of 2011 are seeing the best job outlook in four years, but finding a job is still not as easy as it was before the recession.

’40 ’45 ’50 ’55 ’60 ’65 ’70 ’75 ’80 ’85

MillennialsAfter 1980

Baby Boomers1946-1964

Generation X1965-1980

are already college graduates

plan to graduate from college

do not plan to graduate from college




Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials**





25% 35%

* Includes those who are not actively seeking work** Thirteen percent of all Millennials are students

NOTE: Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding

The Millennials this year





25 23,850













Employed full time Employed part time Not employed*

Source: National Association of Colleges and Employers, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Pew Research CenterGraphic: Tom Setzer, Dallas Morning News © MCT 2011

143 19.3%

• Their unemployment rate declined by 1.0 percentage point to 18.1 percent in July, after hitting a record-high of 19.1 percent in 2010

• The number of unemployed people ages 16-24 in July was 4.1 million, down from 4.4 million a year ago


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NewsFive arrested for slave ring

Twenty-four men kept as slaves were discov-ered at a Greenacre travelers’ site, Leighton Buz-zard, in Bedfordshire, England, on Sunday. More than 200 police officers were involved in the raids, which resulted in five suspects being arrested. All of the men kept as slaves appeared to have been recruited while homeless or with problems such as alcoholism, and were told they would be paid £80 a day and have free board and lodging. Although some had been there for just a few weeks, others had been there up to 15 years.

Blood donor ban lifted in UK

After 30 years of restrictions put in place to pre-vent the risk of HIV contamination, hom*osexual and bisexual men will be allowed to donate blood in Eng-land, Scotland and Wales. In the early 1980s, a life-time ban was introduced in the U.K. as a response to the AIDS epidemic. Questioned on equality and medical grounds, advances in the testing of donat-ed blood have shortened the period after infection when it is impossible to detect the virus. Thus, as of Nov. 7, men who have not had sex with another man in the past 12 months will be able to donate blood.

Drunk moose found in tree

It is not unusual for locals of Saro, Sweden, to see drunken moose at this time of year while there are plen-ty of fermenting apples about. Less common, however, is the sight of a moose stuck in a tree. That is exactly what happened to one moose in her apparent hunt for fer-menting apples, when she lost her balance. The moose made a roaring noise loud enough for Per Johansson to find her and call emergency services. Freed by sawing off branches, the moose spent the rest of her night re-covering in the garden and took off into the woods the following day.

Introducing jelly batteries

Most lithium batteries currently use volatile and haz-ardous liquid electrolytes. In an age of electric cars and continual improvements of laptops, these batteries are inefficient. Their size dictates the weight of most laptops, and they risk overheating and compromise the efficien-cy of both laptops and electric cars. From University of Leeds comes a potential solution: Their researchers have developed lithium jelly batteries. While they look like a solid film, the jelly batteries actually contain about 70 percent liquid electrolytes. Promised to be as safe as poly-mer batteries, the jelly batteries should perform like liquid-filled batteries, yet are 10-20 percent the price of either.

Bats show social learning skills

Social learning is important to many mammals, yet before now it had not been clearly demonstrated in bats. Led by University of Maryland graduate student Gene-vieve Spanjer Wright, a team of researchers trained 12 bats to use sonar to catch a mealworm suspended by string in an ever-changing location. They introduced 11 untrained bats to hunt with the trained bats. Another 11 untrained bats flew and hunted with other untrained bats, as a control. None of the bats in the control cap-tured the worm, and yet most that had flown with the trained bats could capture a mealworm. This experiment provides convincing evidence of social learning in the bats.

Genetic clues for blood pressure

Obesity, lack of exercise and the amount of salt in one’s diet are well known as lifestyle risks of having high blood pressure. Yet, its genetic link has always been poorly under-stood. After studying data from more than 200,000 people around the world, researchers have made a major advance in understanding this genetic element. They have identified 16 new points on the genome that are linked to blood pres-sure. Almost everyone will carry at least one of the genetic variants that each present in 5-14 percent of people. Yet, re-searchers say they have only uncovered 1 percent of the ge-netic contribution to blood pressure. For now, this 1 percent may help lead to new treatments in the future.

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By Katie ZehowSKifor The Clarion

If you have been in the Of-fice of Student Life lately, you most likely have seen several new faces, such as Natalie Beazer, who recently replaced Kathy McGilli-vray as the Director of Disability Services.

Beazer is very passionate about persons with disabilities having access to a higher educa-tion. Through her prior non-profit work, she has become increasing-ly aware of the challenges faced by students with disabilities who are wishing to access equal oppor-tunity in education. Her passion is shown through her extensive amount of education, her com-

mitment to individual students and her vision for Disability Ser-vices in the future.

Beazer earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from North Central University in both Deaf Culture Studies and Elementary Education and has a Master of Education Psychology from the University of Minnesota in Special Education. Additionally, Beazer is currently enrolled as a doctoral student at the University of St. Thomas, where she is pursuing an Educa-tional Doctorate in Leadership, Policy and Administration.

Her favorite part of the job is meeting with the students, be-cause they are a strong source of her inspiration.

“Each one of them shows re-

lentless strength and determina-tion by constantly overcoming the many barriers that they face in their desire to fulfill God’s man-date on their lives,” Beazer said. “I am humbled to be a part of their transformation.”

Along with her passion to be a part of individuals' transfor-mation, she has a vision for big-picture transformation within Disability Services. Beazer shared that she would like to see “a dis-ability service program that is a national trendsetter, one that integrates disabilities, culture, di-versity, the arts and technology in a unique way.”

When asked about changes within Disability Services, Beazer commented on how Bethel is

evolving and expanding in many ways, and she hopes that Dis-ability Services will follow. She wants to see this “program play an active role in sharing the love of Jesus Christ through access, for those with disabilities in developing countries.” Beazer is collaborating with students, faculty and staff to find a way to make this vision possible.

Beazer, has a great vision for how she wants to see Disabil-ity Services grow. So, let’s do our part by supporting Beazer’s transition and help make her vi-sion possible. The next time you are in the Office of Student Life, stop into Disability Services and welcome Natalie Beazer into our community.

Bethel names new Director of Disability Services■■Natalie■Beazer■brings■an■extensive■educational■background■and■a■new■vision■to■the■job


Natalie Beazer was hired as the new Director of Disability Services at

Bethel. Beazer earned her under-graduate degree in both Deaf Cul-

ture Studies and Elementary Educa-tion at North Central University.

Interested in writing or shoot-ing photos for The Clarion?

Come to our planning meetings on Tuesdays at 4 p.m. in BC458

(The Loft).■

Can't make it to the meetings?

Email us at [emailprotected].

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By ChelSey FalZoneof The Clarion Staff

Bethel announced in July the purchase of the Arden Hills Library, and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners recent-ly approved the investment. The Executive Committee of the Bethel Board of Trustees autho-rized Bethel’s administration to purchase the facility. A major contributing factor to Bethel’s purchase of the site was its con-venient location on County Road E2, adjacent to the Minnesota Iowa Baptist Conference (MIBC) offices, which will one day part-ner with Bethel to construct a bigger shared facility.

Ramsey County Library made the decision to close last De-cember, and Kathleen Nelson, Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration, said, “We felt for the neighborhood. We knew [they were] very sad about losing their library.”

The library has been a cen-tral site for Arden Hills citizens since it was founded in 1969. Since its first announcement of possibly closing the site, Bethel jumped on board and wanted to pursue the decision to purchase the land.

After much consideration and exploring all the minor de-tails, Ramsey County decided Bethel was the best suited for buying the library.

“We got the final approval and now we’re just working with the county to schedule the final closing,” Nelson said. It is antici-pated that the library will offi-cially close by mid-October.

Bethel’s Campus Master Plan

coordinators have yet to make the decision as to what con-struction the site will undergo. Nelson said, “The Campus Mas-ter Plan is basically taking a look at our whole campus and asking what the needs for the future are.” Nelson added, “We want to plan for long term.”

Although the final plans are not yet confirmed, the vision is to partner with the MIBC and

tear down the library in order to build a larger and improved building for MIBC offices and CAPS/GS classrooms.

The conjoining of the two buildings would “create a one-stop location for those with of-fices and classrooms that are located very conveniently for them right off of I-35W and 694,” Nelson said.

The money used to purchase

the library came from unexpect-ed estate gifts Bethel received from a donor. “We’ve been setting those aside to invest in deliberate ways that honor the legacy of the donor,” Nelson said.

The general feedback of the purchase has been “very exciting,” according to Nelson. Nelson and the rest of admin-istration recognize the process

is deliberate and defined. They want to incorporate feedback from a lot of sources in order to accommodate people’s needs and visions for the site.

Bethel and the Campus Master Plan organizers will decide a clear vision for the soon-to-be-renovated site in hopes to improve Bethel build-ings and expand learning op-portunities.

Bethel purchases library for future use■■ Campus■Master■Plan■organizers■will■work■to■create■a■vision■for■the■former■Arden■Hills■Library


The Arden Hills Library, located on County Road E2 less than a mile from campus, will be renovated, however final plans are not yet confirmed.

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By hannah BitKerfor The Clarion

Bethel’s campus looks a little dif-ferent each year as there are many new faces in the hallway and new construction projects underway. This fall, the 3900 Grill’s menu board will also look slightly different. Amanda Edin, Sodexo Retail Man-ager who heads the Grill, explained, “The biggest reason for the menu changes is to keep the menu fresh and exciting.”

The changes were initiated by a survey handed out to students, fac-ulty and staff last school year. Ideas were added to the menu, such as the Chicken Bacon Ranch Panini that has already become a top-five seller.

Other new sandwiches include the Chicken Caesar and the 1000 Hills Burger. The latter option is made with local, grass-fed beef. Even more menu options were cre-ated simply by making the burgers

and chicken sandwiches all cus-tomizable with five different types of cheese, four different sauces and multigrain bread and bun choices.

They enhanced favorite dishes such as the Italian and Veggie Pani-ni by incorporating different ingre-dients. Also, there are new options to substitute the chicken for turkey in paninis or make them into salads for an additional fifty cents.

A few of the usual “Simply to Go” salads and sandwiches can no longer be found in the 3900 Grill but have been replaced by “Simply to Go” pasta salads and vegetarian dishes. The two favorite sandwich-es, Pollo Rustico and Three-Cheese and Pepper Bacon remain on the menu, as well as the Chicken Tender Basket that has been the Grill’s top seller for the past few years, accord-ing to Edin.

Edin said of the noodles section, “We are offering three core items: Shells N' Cheese, Penne Marinara and Penne Alfredo, which all come

with a veggie blend for no additional charge.”

“We will be offering two dif-ferent seasonal specials that will change every six weeks to add more variety to the menu,” said Edin. Right now, the seasonal specials are Sun-Dried Tomato Basil Pesto Tor-tellini and Penne Carbonara.

Like the daytime menu, the din-ner menu has also changed.

“After last year, we decided we needed to offer a value menu in the evenings,” Edin said.

The new evening menu con-sists of value burgers, chips and salsa, and quesadillas offered after 7:30 p.m.

“As a former Bethel student, I always enjoyed being able to try new things, and I know that many people get in a rut of ordering the same thing every day,” said Edin.

The goal in the menu changes was to encourage students to try new things and to give them more options.

3900 Grill introduces new menu options

By Sara raSSlerof The Clarion Staff

In any college, major programs are bound to be added or cut. Just over a week ago, the final decision was made to drop the Business Education major for undergradu-ates at Bethel. However, as with any dropped major, students in that program will be allowed to finish it.

With this major specifically, cutting the program means only

canceling two courses, which are both offered in Bethel’s Master’s program. Deb Harless, Vice Presi-dent and Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at Bethel, said it is “fairly unusual” for a major to be cut, “but certainly not unheard of.”

Community Health, Physi-cal Education and French majors have also been dropped in the last five years. Community Health was replaced with Exercise Sci-ence, which is currently Bethel’s

fastest growing major. The Physi-cal Education program that was cut was the non-teaching major, the Phys. Ed. teaching major is still offered. The dropping of the French program was not an easy decision, but one that was neces-sary in 2008 when the economy started to spiral downward.

Cutting a major is not a simple process; departments typically work with the Office of Academ-ic Affairs to decide how to best serve students. They also look at

the extent to which that major is “really serving students well and preparing them for the future,” said Harless.

If a major is to be cut, low enrollment is the most common reason. Harless explains low en-rollment as a class with less than 10 students, but is quick to add that low enrollment is not always reason enough to drop a pro-gram.

Academic Affairs always con-siders several aspects: “[Is it a]

major that we think can build and grow? Or is it a major that we should keep offering no mat-ter what, even with really low en-rollment? Or is it a major that is not going to serve our students well?” Harless said.

Despite the fact that dropping majors elicits more attention than adding majors, “departments are thinking about [adding majors] all the time; it is a really important part of the work of the faculty,” said Harless.

Bethel drops undergraduate Business Education major■■Business■Education■becomes■the■fourth■program■to■be■dropped■in■the■last■five■years



Most changes made to the 3900 Grill menu were initiated by student and faculty surveys distributed last school year.

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By amanda ahlmfor The Clarion

Two bold women, Jenn Hillier and Hillary Leeper, have agreed to take on the uncharted position of Area Coordi-nator. This will be the first year Bethel has had someone in this role. In years past, the Resident Directors did all the administrative work themselves and reported directly to the Associate Dean of Residence Life. Now, the Area Coordinator will take on some of this administrative work and also support, train and encourage the Resident Di-rectors in the strong leadership capa-bilities they already have.

Hillier will oversee the four first-year areas along with Arden Village, while Leeper will be in charge of Foun-tain Terrace, Heritage, Lissner and

North Village.With this job comes the great

challenge of not only performing the duties they were given in their job description, but also defining what this position will look like and setting a precedent for those who will come after them.

“It’s a big time of change,” said Hillier, “but we are open to figuring out how this is going to be most helpful.”

Hillier worked in Residence Life at Taylor University before accepting a job as a Resident Director at Bethel. She brings experience to Bethel that will aid her in knowing exactly what she can do as Area Coordinator to help free up the Resident Directors' time. With fewer administrative duties, the Resident Directors can spend more time getting to know the students in

their hall on a more personal level.The experience Hillier has at Beth-

el will be balanced by Leeper’s new-comer's eye. Leeper worked at Trinity University for nine years, devoting five of those years to Residence Life work. With this experience at another Christian institution, she will have a different perspective on how the position can be most effective. For Leeper, her main goal in working in Residence Life is to do for students what people did for her while she was in college.

Communicating, planning and meeting with those working in Residence Life is a pivotal part of their job. However, both Hillier and Leeper expressed their desire to get to know the students better as well. They really want to be a part of the

transformation that takes place in a person during college.

“I really have a passion for men-

toring,” said Leeper. “I am hoping that I can connect with students one-on-one for mentoring and discipleship.”

Residence Life introduces new position

Check out J. Arthur’s Coffee Club as a place to study, relax, enjoy live music Friday nights, or just hang-out and have a free drink on us

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Jenn Hillier, left, will serve as Area Coordinator for all freshman dorms, along with Arden Village. Hillary Leeper, right, will oversee

Fountain Terrace, Heritage, Lissner and North Village dorms.

■■ Bethel■hires■two■Area■Coordinators■to■oversee■multiple■dorms,■provide■administrative■support■and■model■leadership

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By alex KempStonof The Clarion Staff

Students at Bethel and all across the country are experiencing their first time off campus this year. As students take this next step along the road of life, they are met with new freedom and hopefully cheaper living. With this freedom comes new responsibility, as roommates harass one another to pay the bills, turn off lights and take out the garbage.

Most Bethel students have experienced the chaos and excitement of freshman dorms as friends are chosen, first impressions are inflicted and love affairs are ignited. By the time the wild ride of freshman year comes to a grinding halt, stu-dents are ready to choose their room-mates and move into more suitable living conditions, while still remaining in the safety of the Bethel compound.

While some students choose to venture out into outly-ing neighborhoods, sophom*ores are still re-quired to live at home or stay on campus, to continue their education both in the class-room and with their roommates as they work out quarrels. All too quickly, sopho-more year glides to the finish line, and the “where to live question” once again looms its ugly head. Many students head off cam-pus to pursue life in the wild.

There are many reasons why students decide to live off campus. Junior Joey Grout

said constricting rules and simple econom-ics led to an easy decision. “I was tired of being stricken down by Bethel’s rules. It’s really expensive to live on campus, too,” said Grout.

Some students realize the need for ex-perience in the real world. Senior Johnny Desrosiers said, “I felt that I was respon-sible enough to handle my own visitation hours and finances with no restrictions.” He added, “And I wanted to live with more than six people.”

Junior Jon Crouse has a different story. “We had the last draw spot for on-campus housing and when our time came, the only rooms left were in Fountain Terrace, and we didn’t want to live there,” he said. “But at

least we have DirectTV now.”

For the students off campus, the advantages far outshine the disadvantag-es. Not only does it give

students the chance to gain life skills such as paying bills and learning simple home repairs, it also provides students with the little joys in life. Desrosiers said, “It’s really nice to take a couple minutes out of my day on the drive to school and prepare myself for the day.”

As the year begins, I hope that Bethel still maintains the community and energy that unites this small college campus in a way that is, in my unbiased opinion, unmatched by any other university in the nation.

By Sara raSSlerof The Clarion Staff

College years are an incredible time of growth in every student’s life. Choos-ing whether to live on or off campus is one of the biggest decisions most college students have to make during this forma-tive period. Here at Bethel, freshmen and sophom*ores don’t need to worry about that because living on campus is practical-ly required. However, juniors and seniors have the chance to live elsewhere—and sometimes do—but the choice must be carefully considered.

Students must add up all the pros and cons before stepping away from cam-pus to find a house or apartment to rent. For example, it is more likely that students who live on campus will have a better GPA, but renting off campus pro-vides a credit history for later in life. For sophom*ores who are already consider-ing living accommodations for next year, there are three main factors to consider.

The most important reason for living on campus is the community that is fa-cilitated here. Bethel provides an over-whelming sense of supportive covenant community for students to walk along-side one another in their individual faith journeys. Living in a dorm provides con-stant opportunities for fellowship with others who have also decided to live by the Covenant.

The next most important reason is the money; we college kids aren’t made of cash, so adding up living expenses is crucial. While Bethel isn’t the cheapest school, students should remember that utilities, transportation and furniture are all expenses that add into living off campus.

In addition, living on campus gives easy access to the academic buildings. Walking from a dorm to class at Bethel can take anywhere from three to eight minutes, but driving to campus and find-ing a parking spot will take at least twice that time on a good day. Getting to campus at 10:00 p.m. to slide a forgot-

ten paper under a professor’s door is much easier when one can just walk across campus rather than drive

across town. Being on campus allows for easy access to the library and other resources that off-campus students are unlikely to use.

A simple way to receive the best of both worlds at Bethel is to live in Foun-tain Terrace, which is a Bethel-owned apartment community about a mile and half from campus, primarily for upper-classmen. Students can have a bit of freedom by technically being off cam-pus as well as get the community feel-ing.

Ultimately, choosing where to live is a big decision, but staying informed of the positives and negatives of living on campus will ease the process.

Living outside the bubble■■Living■off-campus■lets■students■experience■the■


Benefits of Bethel livingOff-Campus On-CampusVS

The Great Housing Debate


Not only does [off-campus living] give students the chance to gain life skills such as paying bills and learning simple home repairs, it also provides students with the little joys in life.

A simple way to receive the best of both worlds at Bethel is to live in Fountain Terrace

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ViewsWhy religion matters in the presidential race■■ Discourse■on■politicians’■personal■faith■may■be■divisive■but■is■also■crucial■to■understanding■who■they■are■


By Kate BeeCKenof The Clarion Staff

“God is how we got here,” said Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, on Aug. 23. Secular media recoiled at the words from the frontrun-

ner in the GOP presidential pri-mary race. Despite efforts to keep religion out of the presi-dential contest, the issue re-peatedly arises—and it should.

Earlier in August, Rep. Mi-chele Bachmann, R-Minn., was

questioned about the Biblical teaching that wives are to sub-mit to their husbands. Later, after the East Coast earthquake and Hurricane Irene, Bachmann commented that God was try-ing to get politicians’ attention. Critics gripe that religious re-marks of this sort from all can-didates discredit them as able politicians and rational human beings.

“These presidential nomina-tion contests aren’t about reli-gion; they’re about leadership,” former Gov. Jon Huntsman, Jr., R-Utah, told The Washington Times in July. He has since repeat-ed that religion should not mat-ter to voters.

Skeptics argue that Huntsman is merely trying to downplay his Mormon faith to an Evangelical Christian voting bloc to get back in the race, but others agree that religion is a private matter. A candidate’s job plan matters, the name of his spiritual leader does not.

Yet there is no clean separa-tion between religion and poli-tics when a candidate professes his dedication to both. As Perry spoke passionately to 30,000 sweaty bodies squeezed into Re-liant Stadium at an unabashedly Christian prayer rally, it seems naïve to think he can just turn off his religious lifestyle and be a politician apart from it.

When we elect a person to public office, we elect more

than a set of policies and posi-tions. We elect a whole human being, and their personality, ex-periences and beliefs will affect the way they guide our country.

When former President George W. Bush was sworn into office, he could not foresee the 9/11 tragedy. When the terror-ists struck, his response wasn’t a prepackaged policy, but came directly out of his experiences and his gut-level reaction (which admittedly was affected by his advisers). When the Arab Spring happened this year, President

Barack Obama had no plan to draw from, but had to weigh facts as they came and make de-cisions. In a crisis situation, the politician responds as a person and that guides his policies.

Voters are trying to gauge who this candidate is and how he or she will respond in an emergency. Religion certainly has a place in this conversation to increase the understanding of whom we are putting into of-fice. Former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., is a Mormon, but few Americans could articulate what this means or what influence it may have on his actions. As a former Bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

Romney can’t leave his beliefs at the door of the Oval Office, but they will continue to affect his decisions.

A three-dimensional ap-proach is needed to fully see every candidate. If a person has devoted his or her life to a set of beliefs, it is crucial to know what those beliefs are before you pick him as commander of the world’s superpower.

There must be a balance to this, and I’m not advocating for paparazzi and stalking to catch a candidate with an embarrassing

headline. A candidate’s major formative influ-ences and role models may be relevant to the electorate’s decision; however, the candi-date’s favorite brand of toothpaste is not.

As campaigning for the 2012 presidential election gets into full

swing, so does the media-driv-en scrutiny of the faith of GOP candidates. From news articles to blog posts, there is a lot of arguing whether a candidate’s religion should be considered. Religion is not off the table but a key to understanding the char-acter of the person we choose.


Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., has been open about her Christian beliefs, showing how her faith affects her work in public office.

When we elect a person to public office, we elect more than a set of policies and positions. We elect a whole human be-ing, and their personality, experiences and beliefs will affect the way they guide our country.


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FocusWeathering the Economic Storm

By niCole nettletonof The Clarion Staff

Minnesota High School Grads

Bethel students demonstrating financial need





’08-’09 55,257

















A down economy and increasing needsChanges in the world of Financial Aid

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Office of AdmissionsEnrollment Numbers






























Another challenge to add to the mix Keeping enrollment up Admissions' strategies for weathering the storm

Weathering the Economic Storm

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By lexi BeaSleyof The Clarion Staff

“A huge tornado just whipped through the neighborhood,” said a young Dave Berggren on home video, as his next-door neighbor casually mowed the grass behind him.

Some people may call it coincidence, but Berggren did not always know what he wanted to be. “I spent my time at Bethel exploring who I was and what I was good at,” said Berggren. “It just so happens that the Lord worked it out and allowed me to work in TV news.”

Graduating from Bethel in 2004, Berggren majored in Media Communi-cations and minored in Leadership.

Ironically, Berggren got his big break in TV by literally being a TV. While at Beth-el, Berggren saw a job advertisem*nt for

a mascot at a local TV station. He jumped on the opportunity and became KSTC 45’s giant orange TV mascot.

Berggren has come a long way since his first gig at KSTC 45, as he now works as a General Assignment News Reporter at KARE 11.

For Berggren, the average day on the job is a race against time. After pitching a story in the morning, he has five to seven hours to find people to interview, shoot video for the story, sort through the facts and put it all together in a way that is easy to understand for the intend-ed audience. Berggren explains that after completing this process each day, he feels like he has performed a “mini miracle.”

For fun, Berggren describes himself as an old retired man since he plays a lot of golf. He also enjoys playing fan-tasy football and being active. “You [have

to] clear your mind a little bit though. There are times when you’ve got to pull away,” said Berggren. “You get into the office and the clock starts...that clock is just ticking down.”

In his young career, Berggren already has quite the list of accomplishments and personal highlights. Among his favorites were his interview with Tony Dungy after his team won the 2006 Superbowl, being on The Today Show and covering the I-35W bridge collapse. Other favorites include covering the government shut-down, the North Minneapolis tornado and the Metrodome collapse.

For Berggren, the excitement of news is what drives him in his career. “Being on the front edge of stories that really affect our community is really, re-ally exciting,” he said.

When asked what advice he had

for aspiring journalists, Berggren said, “Basically, advice I would have is be a writer first, learn to love words… If you enjoy telling stories and being the first

to know something and then telling that, that’s a good sign that you're on the right track, that you have the right passions and gifts.”

Graduate Berggren caught his big break on television


Bethel alumnus Dave Berggren is now a News Reporter at KARE 11.

■■ This■Media■Communications■major■follows■his■passion■to■the■exciting■and■intense■world■of■television■news

The Clarion - [PDF Document] (13)


By margaret gillfor The Clarion

In an average year, over 400 Bethel students study abroad.

You may be wondering, how can I be part of that number? The Office of Off-Campus Programs/International Studies at Bethel is the place to go for all students interested in traveling. Bethel of-fers two different time periods for students wanting to explore and study in another country.

The study abroad program gives the option of a semester abroad or the equally popular in-terim. Melanie Eslinger, Assistant Director of International Studies, gave the inside scoop on the ad-vantages and disadvantages of each possibility.

“They both have pros and cons, and it’s good that we have a variety of programs because students study abroad for differ-ent reasons, and have different goals,” said Eslinger.

Interim, or ‘J-term,’ is an op-tion for students to travel abroad for three weeks in January. These faculty-led trips normally offer three-credit courses in various locations. The setting and topic of these trips are subject to which-

ever faculty members are cur-rently proposing courses for that year. Normally J-term courses have an emphasis on a specific major or department, since it is a faculty member leading the pro-gram. However, some of these courses may fulfill general edu-cation requirements, so more than just students of a particular major may join the team. J-terms are available to students during any of their four years at Bethel, although trips can fill up early. Interim trips have extra costs to cover all travel fees, housing and course materials.

The semester abroad option can be achieved through Bethel or affiliated programs and universi-ties. The programs are run directly by Bethel and have a Bethel pro-fessor traveling with the students and teaching courses. Programs such as England term and Europe term are taken directly through Bethel. Affiliated programs oper-ate in conjunction with another university and the student is free to choose from that university’s courses and catalog. Kenya term, Spain term and NYCAMS are ex-amples of affiliated programs.

Most students have junior standing when they study abroad

because 30 completed credits are required. If a student chooses a Bethel trip, then the cost is no more than Bethel’s regular tuition.

With Bethel-affiliated pro-grams, most have the same tu-ition and airfare costs, with only a few exceptions. If it is an out-side Bethel program, you still pay Bethel’s tuition, but that particu-lar university’s room and board. However, you are still eligible for financial aid through Bethel. The Office of Off-Campus Programs/International Studies has specific details about those outside pro-grams and their various costs.

“Some want to go because they have a certain course in mind, others want to travel and experience new things, but with either one you are getting expo-sure to different people, places [and] ideas you wouldn’t normally have here,” said Eslinger.

If you want more information, stop by The Office of Off-Campus Programs/International Studies to find the right trip for you. Wheth-er it be for a semester or three weeks, Bethel can find something to fit your schedule and prefer-ences. Bethel is currently in the top 15 in the nation for percentag-es of study abroad participation.

CultureStudying abroad — Interim or semester trips

Things to ConsiderCost: It may be more cost effecient to do a semester, since there are no additional costs besides tuition and personal spending. However, you will need a significant amount of personal spending money to last you four months, as opposed to just a few weeks.

Length & Flexibilty: A semester is a long time to be gone for some students, and it may be difficult depending on your major (some majors have more limited class offerings and schedule flexibility). An interim trip is easier to fit in. There is, however, more variety and freedom in se-mester programs; interim trips are normally specific towards one major and there are fewer to choose from. Also, students must meet the residency requirement if they are considering traveling for a semester.

peace of mind : J-term trips have faculty members making travel arrangements and the students will be in relationship and travel with their pro-fessors and classmates. The trip is led by a Bethel professor who is already familiar with the culture and can help students process what they are learning. If students choose a Bethel-affiliated or outside semester program, the student is with a brand new uni-versity, teachers and classmates.

experiences: In a semester term, there is more potential for cross-cultural inter-action and learning. There is more opportunity to deepen relation-ships, learn from the locals, and experience foreign culture. This can be possible in J-term, but it is more difficult.

Junior Taylor Rafferty studied abroad in Se-govia, Spain, her sophom*ore year and she plans to spend this coming interim in Cambodia. Rafferty said that she always wanted to study abroad, but it came down to which country and what she would be studying. As a Spanish minor, she chose to study in Spain for a semes-ter because she felt three weeks wouldn't pro-

vide enough time to “delve into a new culture, especially in learning a language.”

She was excited for the chance to travel around Europe and see each country's people and traditions. She also chose a semester for its cost effectiveness, but then found it hard to leave after the relationships she had made dur-ing that time.

Rafferty is eager to go to Cambodia for this year’s interim. She described the trip as an “opportunity of a lifetime” as it allows her to spend three weeks experiencing an Asian culture. Rafferty is also looking forward to having the trip planned by a faculty member, along with having her professor - an experi-enced guide - to take her through the trip.

Taylor's Tips for Travel:

• Apply for your trips early• Make sure you pick the right

program for you• Be brave• Pack light• Start conversations• Learn to call anywhere home• If you can, take the public trans-

portation systems. They are a world of their own!

Student Spotlight: Taylor Rafferty

The Clarion - [PDF Document] (14)



MD guide

Restaurants &


Bingo Night Wednesdays 9-11:30 pmLadies Night Thursdays - can be entered into drawing for Schuler Shoes & massages$5 wings and burgers MondayHalf price appetizers from 2-5 p.m. and after 9 p.m.1893 Highway 36 W., Roseville - (651)697-0648615 Washington Ave. SE, Minneapolis - (612)378-37402800 39th Ave NE, Saint Anthony - (612)781-5274


Bingo Night - Tuesdays 9 p.m.-11 p.m.$5.99 apps 3-6 p.m. & 9-11 p.m.

Pizza specialsShoreview location delivers to Bethel

145 Rosedale Center, Roseville - (651)633-21001000 Gramsie Road, Shoreview - (651)482-1600

Green Mill

Coupons online Highway 36 W., Roseville - (651)636-7173

Baja Sol

Games at 7:15 & 9:15 p.m. seven days a weekAfternoon games at 2 p.m. Fri-Sun are $5 each

3776 Connelly Ave., Arden Hills - (651)631-1318

Pot O’ Gold Bingo Hall





Before 6 p.m. on weekdays (Mon-Thurs) movie admission is $5After 6 p.m. (Mon-Thurs) movie admission is $7.50Free refills on large drinks and popcorn850 Rosedale Center, Roseville - (651)604-9344


Open Weekdays 9 am-12 am; Weekends 11 am-1 amSun after 10 p.m., Mon and Wed after 9:30 p.m. - $1 per gameTues after 9:30 p.m. - First game $3.75, second free (shoes included)Also have mens & women’s leagues available in September 1273 County Road E., Arden Hills - (651)633-1777

Flaherty’s Bowling Alley

The Timberwolves college night is every Wednesday night gameTickets are $5 (section 221)First 100 college students are upgraded to Wolf Pack (section 121)

Timberwolves Games

Dollar savings depends on what you buy - must show student IDApple

Partners with Bethel - under $30 per month - no contracts, initiation fees. LA Fitness


15% off entire purchase when you show your Bethel ID 1705 Highway 36 W, Roseville - (651)633-8400

J. Crew

Roseville Shuttle Service Ideas

Rosedale Mall1. See a movie at the AMC2. Shop at Forever 213. Take Metro Transit to downtown Minneapolis4. Eat at Chipotle Mexican Grill or Potbelly Sandwich Shop5. Go on a date to Macaroni Grill

Target1. Go to Har Mar Mall

2. Eat at Buffalo Wild Wings3. Go to Baja Sol (Har Mar)

4. Get a hair cut at Fantastic Sams (Har Mar)

The Clarion - [PDF Document] (15)


CultureBrett Kallusky: Bringing raw images of Sept. 11■■Minnesota■artist■talks■about■his■personal■experience■and■photographs■of■the■9/11■terrorist■attack

By leah SandSof The Clarion Staff

Brett Kallusky is a full-time member of the photography de-partment at the Art Institute Min-nesota in Minneapolis and spoke at an Artist Talk in CC125 on Sept. 8.

“There’s more than one per-spective,” Kallusky stated as he in-troduced his work to a room full of Bethel students and faculty. He en-couraged everyone present to look at different views other than his own in a way to preface his body of work.

To provide a foundation to the images that were about to be seen, Kallusky showed photographs of

WWI of British soldiers climbing trenches over tear gas during the Battle of Somme on July 1, 1916. These photographs were, as he de-scribed, raw and unaltered by the professionalism of a skilled pho-tographer. They captured the hell-ish, more natural state of the day in which so many soldiers died.

Walter Lippmann, a philoso-pher of the time, commented that the photos have authority over reality like printed words used to. The photographs were an illustra-tion of an objective, yet personal testimony of the photographer who experienced the Battle of Somme.

Kallusky then explained how these personal photographs of war

led into his very own traumatic and hellish experience of Sept. 11. At the time, he was an AmeriCorps volunteer and had built up hours to vacation in Montreal with his girlfriend. On their way there, his girlfriend forgot her passport, so they turned around and headed on to Trinity Place to escape massive amounts of traffic around Brook-lyn. There, they witnessed the sec-ond attack.

Kallusky recounted never hearing anything so loud or over-powering. There was a “notion of disbelief” and the thought that kept racing through his mind was, “This has to be a movie.” His surroundings were chaos on a level he had never felt. Once the initial shock wore off,

he snapped pictures of the scene as it unfolded before his eyes.

Here, he stopped in his narra-tion to interject the fact that he was merely using a camera that his father had given him—the tools that were available to him at the time. It was not high end nor the black and white film that he later developed himself. This instills each photo-graph with that raw narration that he spoke on earlier regarding WWI. His photographs had no regard to-ward composition, the lighting or any other technical aspect that a photographer normally takes into account.

Additional works from Sept. 11 by Brett Kallusky can be seen at


A photo taken by Kallusky as he was on his way to Penn Station on 9/11.

The Clarion - [PDF Document] (16)



By andrew BaKerfor The Clarion

As of Sept. 11, the Twins record stands at 59-87. They have the worst record in the Central division, and when this merciless season reaches its con-clusion, the Twins could very well end up with the worst record in the entire American League. If only crying were al-lowed in baseball.

Nevertheless, it is important to re-member “there’s always next year,” a phrase too often muttered by Lions fans, and providing the below things happen the Twins could, as quickly as next year, be back in another playoff push.1.■Revamp■the■Starting■Rotation

With a brutal team ERA of 4.53, the Twins have the third worst starting rota-tion in baseball. Scott Baker, who owns an ERA of 3.21 in 133 innings, is the only

starting pitcher whose job should be completely locked for next season. If the price is right, the Twins should take a serious look at free agent-to-be C.J. Wilson as well as look to add another starter through trade, perhaps James Shields from the Tampa Bay Rays who has been rumored to be available.2.■Bring■Back■the■Right■Guys

Michael Cuddyer has been a great Twin, but will be overvalued in the free agent market. Jason Kubel is much younger, entering his prime, and will provide about the same level of produc-tion for a portion of the cost.3.■Get■Healthy

When healthy, Mauer and Morneau can easily provide the best one-two punch in baseball. Hopefully an offsea-son of rest and recovery will be just what the doctor ordered with Minne-sota’s biggest two superstars.

See it. Dream it. Live it!

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There's always next year for the Twins■■ Playoffs■are■out■of■the■picture■for■the■team■this■year,■



A healthy Justin Morneau (above) and Joe Mauer are crucial for the Twins to win.

The Clarion - [PDF Document] (17)



By matt KelleyFor The Clarion

Last weekend millions gathered in America’s living rooms, adorned with pizza boxes and soda cans, with their hearts set on ruining the otherwise pure institution of foot-ball fanhood. I speak, of course, of fantasy football drafts, which have slowly diluted the pure emotion of being a true fan of an NFL team.

Of course, locals will continue to root for Minnesota, but with stipulations of increasing impor-tance. “I hope the Vikings win, but I need Philip Rivers to throw at least three touchdowns,” the logic goes. There was a day, which many younger football fans can’t re-member, when football was black and white, a showdown of good and evil. Now, fantasy football has created a gray area for a fan’s root-ing interest.

There was also a time when watching the game at home meant

watching a single game. Now fans can watch NFL Network’s Red Zone channel, which frequently switches games, only presenting imminent scoring chances and highlights from every game.

The in-stadium experience of game day has evolved as well. When Miami’s Dolphins Stadium was renovated in 2007, the Sprint Fantasy Lounge was added so fans could moni-tor their fan-tasy team with a multitude of TV screens and com-puters.

From Monday to Sunday, love-seat to stadium, there’s no doubt that fantasy football has changed how we consume the NFL product. But is it a change for the better?

Don’t get me wrong; I love fan-tasy football. The problem is that fantasy should be another way –

not a new way – of being a football nut. I’m not talking about people who casually like the game when I speak of “football fans,” but those who attach emotionally to one team. To understand how the fan-tasy craze is undermining fanhood, it is important to first know why people become football fans at all.

This emotional attachment to teams, especially professional franchises, is odd. NFL clubs are, after all, businesses. If such devo-tion were shown for a different kind of business, like Target Corp., wouldn’t it be considered peculiar or even worrisome behavior?

This phenomenon is identi-

fied by psychologists as “Basking in Reflected Glory,” or “BIRGing.” Psychology Today writer Allen R. McConnell, Ph.D., wrote that “people will symbolically associ-ate themselves with others, such as sports teams, in order that their successes rub off on themselves, increasing one's own self-esteem.”

McConnell also explained that the opposite is true as well; a losing team low-ers a fan’s self-esteem.

The essence of fan-hood is an emotional wager. Casual fans risk lit-tle, resulting in mild plea-sure or disappoint from a

win or loss. Extreme fans, howev-er, bet the farm, allowing them to overflow with self-satisfaction or burdening them with sorrow after a defeat.

The proper place for fantasy football is as a supplement, but many fans value their fantasy team(s) just as much as their real

team, a natural result from the emotional wager.

Fantasy football is simply hedg-ing this bet. Attaching to more teams increases the chance of one of them winning. Since it is taboo to support multiple NFL teams, people turn to fantasy.

What is being a true fan, though, other than feeling what your team feels? Many fantasy players evade the agony of defeat by placing value on their fantasy team, yet they would boast no less if their real team had won.

So I urge you, not to stop play-ing fantasy football, but to do so responsibly. Do not treat your fantasy team and your real team as equals. Do not hedge your bet; be a true fan of your team. Invest your emotions completely. Feel the full sadness of defeat and drink freely of the nectar of victo-ry. Sure, losses are hard, but that sadness makes winning, when it does come, all the more sweet.

Fantasy football: Changing the world of fanhood■■Dividing■rooting■interests■amongst■teams■is■a■cardinal■sin■of■fanhood,■so■people■turn■to■fantasy

By paul levineMCT Newswire

While the NBA and its play-ers try to hammer out a new labour contract in the more than two-month old lock out, the Minnesota Timberwolves locked up their new head coach on Tuesday, reaching an agreement in principal with Rick Adelman, the team an-nounced on its website.

Terms of the deal were not immediately known, but the veteran coach was believed

to be seeking a five-year pact worth at least 25 million dol-lars to replace fired Kurt Ram-bis, who guided the lowly Timberwolves to just 32 wins in two seasons.

After dismissing Rambis, Wolves president of basketball operations David Kahn said he was looking to hire an experi-enced head man with a history of winning, and who favoured an up-tempo offensive style that suits his young athletic roster, led by All-Star big man Kevin Love.

Kahn gets that with the 65-year-old Adelman, who boasts an impressive resume.

During his 20 seasons be-hind the bench, the four-time runner-up for NBA Coach of the Year has compiled a 945-616 record, eighth all-time in coaching victories while at Portland, Sacramento, Golden State, and Houston before the Rockets chose not to renew his contract last April, despite leading the injury-depleted club to a 193-135 mark the past four seasons.

Adelman is one of five head coaches to post 60 plus wins with two different clubs (Port-land and Sacramento). He has taken his teams to the playoffs 16 times, including two NBA Finals appearances with Port-land, four Western Conference finals and four division titles.

The T-Wolves are expect-ed to introduce Adelman at a news conference later this week, but he won't be allowed to discuss the team's players because of the terms of the lockout.

Timberwolves name Adelman as new head coach■■Despite■the■NBA■lock■out,■Minnesota■announced■it■has■locked■up■its■head■coaching■position■Tuesday


New Timberwolves Head Coach Rick Adelman ranks eighth all-time

in coaching victories.

The proper place for fantasy football is as a supplement, but many fans value their fantasy team(s) just as much as their real team, a natural result from the emotional wager.

The Clarion - [PDF Document] (18)



By BroCK BueSingof The Clarion Staff

Most would consider this the start of a rebuilding year. After the 2009 NFC Champi-onship loss to New Orleans, the window of competitive-ness has shrunk; the 12th man in the huddle securely closed that window.

Donovan McNabb was brought in to be a bridge be-fore seventh round pick, Chris-tian Ponder, takes over the offense in a couple of years. This will be his third stop in the last three years. Statistically speaking, McNabb is coming off one of his worst seasons ever in Washing-ton. He threw more intercep-tions (15) then he did touchdowns (14).

The six-time Pro Bowler see's Minnesota as a fresh start and can hopefully make his veteran presence known.

Losing receiver Sidney Rice was not planned, so the Vikings picked up receiver Michael Jenkins off of waiv-ers from the Atlanta Falcons. Without Rice, the Vikings re-ally don't have a deep threat for McNabb to throw to. Jen-kins had 41 receptions for 505 yards and two touchdowns in 2010, in just 11 games with At-lanta.

Adrian Peterson is the Min-nesota Vikings' offense. Estab-lishing the run game is going to be crucial if the Vikes want to compete this year. A successful running game, with Peterson, will open up the play action for

McNabb. The running game will rely on a new look offensive line, as well. Charlie Johnson protected Colt's quarterback, Peyton Manning, last year and will be asked to replace Bryant McKinnie this year.

Receiver Percy Harvin should really have a big impact this year being the team's only returning, proven play maker. Harvin had 71 receptions, 868 yards and five touchdown catches in 2010. His speed and playmaking ability will make him a popular target for McNabb.

Being in the NFC North doesn't help the Vikings chanc-es at returning to the playoffs

this season. The returning Super Bowl champions are ex-pected to continue their excel-lent play and the Chicago Bears will be right there with them. Even the Detroit Lions are one of the most talked about teams in the NFL this year, improv-ing their defense and getting a healthy Matthew Stafford back. The Vikings still want to remain competitive, but it's a rough and rigid line. They need to play for the future and develop their young play-ers. However, having a winning product will help push for a new stadium for the 2015 sea-son, possibly in Arden Hills.

The Vikings opened the season at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego last Sunday after-noon.

Percy Harvin opened the game with his fourth ca-reer kickoff return of 103 yards. However, the magical start wore off quickly when McNabb's f irst pass as a Vi-king was deflected at the line of scrimmage and intercepted by linebacker Shaun Phillips at the Vikings own 6-yard line.

The Vikings did, howev-er, lead 17-7 at half, but only gained 26 yards in the sec-ond half. McNabb finished the game 7 for 15, for only 39 yards.

Adrian Peterson, who re-cently signed a seven-year, $100 million contract, had 16 carries for 98 yards. His 46-

yard scamper set up McNabb's 3-yard touch-down pass to newcomer Mi-chael Jenkins in

the second quarter.McNabb threw for only 2

yards in the second half. The Vikings couldn't cover Rivers' short dump off passes to run-ning backs and his tight end, Antonio Gates. Three costly defensive false starts sealed the game for San Diego, win-ning 24-17.

"It was a tale of two halves. No one cares or remembers what happens in the first half,” McNabb said. “I thought we brought it to them. We had a chance to win the game. We just didn't."

The Vikings (0-1) will try to regroup next Sunday, in their home opener vs. the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (0-1), who also lost Sunday to the Detroit Lions, 20-27.

Vikings caught between rebuilding and competing■■Minnesota■fails■to■hold■a■17-7■lead■in■the■team's■first■game,■raising■questions■about■this■year's■squad


Adrian Peterson (28) of the Minnesota Vikings gains 46 yards in the second quarter. The San Diego Chargers defeated the

Minnesota Vikings, 24-17, at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, California, Sunday, September 11, 2011.

The Vikings still want to remain competitive, but it's a rough and rigid line. They need to play for the future and develop their young players.




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By roB lemayof The Clarion Staff

Amassing four 1st Team All-MIAC awards, over 5,300 rushing yards and 48 total touchdowns, Logan Flannery will be missed. As Bethel University and the MIAC’s all-time leading rusher, Flannery’s small frame smoothly shifting around defenders will surely not be forgotten. As all the great ones do, the end of Flannery’s historic career gives a younger player the chance to live up to the legend.

For Bethel this year, that player is freshman running back Brandon Marquardt. Coming out of high school, Marquardt was heavily recruited after being selected to the Minnesota High School All-State Team. During his career at Champlin Park he racked up over 3,600 yards from scrimmage with 55 touchdowns.

There were many schools in-terested in signing Marquardt, but ultimately he chose Minnesota State Mankato. After redshirt-ing his freshman year, Marquardt chose to transfer to Bethel, giving him the opportunity to play four full seasons of Royals football.

According to Head Coach Steve

Johnson, Marquardt’s transfer wasn’t completely unexpected. “We recruited Brandon really hard two years ago, and it wasn’t a huge surprise that he transferred,” he said.

Marquardt is known for his speed and turned in the fastest 40-yard dash time of the entire Bethel squad in training camp. He has received national attention by SportingNews, which named him “National Newcomer of the Year.” He has been turning heads around the MIAC by piling up 208 yards on 18 carries in his first collegiate game. That is a staggering 11.6 yards per carry.

After Marquardt’s big first game, he said, “The stats look nice, but it's all due to the offen-sive line.” It takes a humble player to give credit to the big guys up front who pave the way for a run-ning back to rush for over 200 yards.

So even with the huge loss of a legendary running back like Flan-nery, the Royals and Coach John-son are excited about what the future holds for his replacement. “We look for a running back that is special, and Brandon is,” said Johnson.

Life after Logan: There's a new running back in town■■Division■II■transfer■Marquardt■has■big■shoes■to■fill,■but■the■Bethel■coaches■are■excited■about■■their■new■guy


In his first collegiate game, transfer Marquardt (22) rushed for 180 yards, which included a 47-yard touchdown run. Bethel went on to defeat Simpson 55-3 in front of the home crowd on September 3.

By roB lemayof The Clarion Staff

In the 2010 campaign the Roy-als went 7-1 in MIAC conference play. Their only loss was a heart-breaker to St. Thomas, which they later avenged in the NCAA Division III playoffs. This year, the team be-

gins its quest to go undefeated yet again on home soil, as the team was a perfect 5-0 in front of its home crowd last season. The last time the Royals lost at home was nearly two years ago, Nov. 7, 2009, to St. Thomas.

Come 1 p.m. on Sept. 17, Bethel students will await open-

ing kickoff for the Royals' first conference game of the season. The team will face the Carleton Knights. The Knights are 0-1 going into the game, as the team lost a heartbreaker to Carthage (Keno-sha Wisc.) by a score of 13-16. The Knights were ranked eighth in the MIAC preseason poll, which is

voted on by coaches. Bethel has won three of the last four games against the Carleton Knights. However, for most seniors, they will remember their freshman homecoming was spoiled by the Knights in 2008. Look for the Bethel offense to continue to run the ball and play solid defense.

In the Royals' first game, the offense racked up over 400 yards on the ground, and their defense held the Simpson College to under 110 offensive yards. Bethel is heavily favored in the game and is looking to get its first conference win of the 2011 season.

Royals seeks first conference win as team takes on Carleton■■ Bethel■looks■for■its■third■win■of■the■season■and■first■win■in■the■MIAC■as■the■team■takes■on■Carleton■(0-1)■at■Royal■Stadium,■Saturday■at■1■p.m.

The Clarion - [PDF Document] (20)


The Clarionion - Bethel's own slice of "The Onion"

By danny valentineof The Clarion Staff

New skylights in the AC Lounge led investigators to arrest 37 men and women pretending to be Bethel students on Monday afternoon. The AC Lounge had been harboring various drifters and miscreants for some time, reported officials, “Because it was just too dark to see them before.”

The AC Lounge was updated earlier this year with the installa-tion of skylights and the replace-ment of aging furniture. The renovations were made in hopes that new lighting would reveal the identities of the mysterious AC Loungers, and maybe discour-age them from making out so much.

Those lights paid off Monday

when Detective Marvin Gates and his team busted into the Academ-ic Center and swiftly apprehended all impostors. “The skylights con-firmed our suspicions that these people were not students, but instead, free-loaders that couldn’t keep their hands off each other,” said Gates.

“The raid was extraordinarily unique, and a bit romantic,” said English Professor, Mickey Cold-wright. Coldwright and other witnesses report that the lips of the impostors remained firmly pressed against their lovers', as investigators read their rights and handcuffed them.

“It was definitely time some-one did something about that,” stated junior Tami Ramke. Hope-fully, without the damper of crime and PDA, the AC Lounge can now shine brighter than ever before.

Skylights shed sun on AC Lounge imposters

The Geese Survival Guide1. Geese are very agile in the

air, and on land. They soar high above their prey, then dive-bomb with precision at 45-55mph, wounding the unfortunate victim. The Wildlife Club suggests stu-dents stay inside or buy a shield.

2. Geese loathe loud music, es-pecially country and folk genres. The Wildlife Club suggests stu-dents use headphones or listen to Thrash metal like the geese prefer.

3. Geese carry their young in a small pouch on their chests. The Wildlife Club suggests students never touch or even look at this pouch. Ever.

4. Geese are very insecure. The Wildlife Club suggests stu-dents avoid eye contact and withhold any comments about a goose’s appearance when in ear-shot.

5. Geese are carnivores. The Wildlife Club suggests students refrain from feeding the geese breadcrumbs. The geese are just trying to trick you and lure you in close enough so they can eat you.

6. Geese live in large, sticky burrows underground. The Wild-life Club suggests students never venture into a burrow, as you can easily become trapped forever.

Follow these helpful tips to have a happy and goose-free school year


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.