DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (2025)




Frame Data


Combo Notation GuideCharacter Name Abbreviations
7 DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (2)8 DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (3)9 DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (4)
4 DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (5)5 DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (6)6 DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (7)
1 DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (8)2 DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (9)3 DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (10)
Numbers represent direction on a keyboard numpad. For example, DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (11)+DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (12) becomes 236L.
> = Proceed from the previous move to the following move.
/land = Indicate that the player must land at that point in the sequence.
, = LinkTo perform a second action after the first action completely finishes its animation. the previous move into the following move.
->/~ = CancelTo bypass the remaining time or frames in an action by proceeding directly into another action. the previous special into a follow-up special.
dl./delay = Delay the following move.
whiff/(whiff) = The move must whiff (not hit).
c. = Close
f. = Far
j. = Jumping/Aerial
hj./sj. = High Jump/Super Jump
jc = Jump Cancel
hjc/sjc = High Jump Cancel/Super Jump Cancel
dc/adc = Dash Cancel/Air Dash Cancel
CH = Counter Hit
AA = Anti-Air
IAS = Instant Air Special
[X] = Hold input.
]X[ = Release input.
(move) = Move is optional.
[X] or [Y] = Perform sequence X or Y.
[sequence] xN = Repeat sequence N amount of times.
(N) = Hit N of a move or move must deal N amount of hits.
DR = Dragon Rush
SD = Super Dash
A16 = Android 16
A17 = Android 17
A18 = Android 18
A21 = Android 21
L21 = Android 21 (Lab Coat)
AGH = Gohan (Adult)
BDK = Bardock
BGK = Goku (SSGSS)
BLK = Goku Black
BRO = Broly
BRS = Beerus
BVG = Vegeta (SSGSS)
CEL = Cell
CLR = Cooler
FRZ = Frieza
GKN = Goku
GKU = Goku (Super Saiyan)
GNY = Captain Ginyu
GT4 = Gogeta (SS4)
GTA = Gogeta (SSGSS)
GTG = Goku (GT)
GTK = Gotenks
GUI = Goku (Ultra Instinct)
HIT = Hit
JNB = Janemba
JRN = Jiren
KBU = Kid Buu
KEF = Kefla
KRL = Krillin
L21 = Android 21 (Lab Coat)
MBU = Majin Buu
NAP = Nappa
PIC = Piccolo
RSH = Master Roshi
SB2 = Super Baby 2
SBR = Broly (DBS)
TEN = Tien
TNK = Trunks
VDL = Videl
VGN = Vegeta
VGT = Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
VTO = Vegito (SSGSS)
YAM = Yamcha
YGH = Gohan (Teen)
ZAM = Zamasu (Fused)

This page is accurate to patch 1.33.

  • The majority of the combos on this page can be done scaled (j.5H > 5L > ...) and will point out when there is an exception. It's a good idea generally to omit a combo fiiller button like 5M early in a combo if you're worried about a scaled combo dropping.


ComboDamageMeter GainWorks on:DifficultyNotes
2M > 5M > jc.MLL2H > SD > j.MLL2H > jc.LL2H > j.2S > j.214L4377~1.20AllVery EasyMidscreen BNB.
Do j.LLL instead of j.LL2H at the end for extra corner carry.
2M > 5M > jc.MLL2H > SD > j.MLL2H > jc.LLL > j.2H (whiff) > j.2S > 236M > (Assist) > ...4185~1.15AllVery EasyA combo which sets up pressure.
Positions Vegeta for j.2S to connect if they tech back or in place, and 236M afterward frametraps anything that isn't invincible frame 1.
5M > 2M > 5H > SD > j.M > j.2H > j.LL > j.S > j.L > delayed j.L > j.S > j.L > delayed j.L > j.S > j.LL > delayed j.S > LAND 5LLL > 214M5152~1.65AllMediumMid to corner conversion into ki blast loops and knockdown. If done scaled, omit the medium attacks at the start. Do not delay SD in this combo.
At least one of the first 2 loops has to be a fairly large delay to lower Vegeta's height.
More info on ki blast loops later in this page.
2M > 5M > j.MLS > 236M > SD > j.ML > j.2H > jc.LL > j.S > j.L > delayed j.L > j.S > j.LLL4510~1.5AllMediumAnother mid to corner conversion, and works off 5LL > combo.
236H > 214M > 214S > 214L+M2175 [4801]-3.5AllVery EasySuper confirm is optional, [ ] is damage with the super, 214M is the most damage you can get off 236H without spending more meter.
236H > 236M > Vanish > ...2440-1.5AllVery EasyConfirm into vanish off 236H.
... > Vanish > 662M > 5M > jc.LL2H > jc.LL2H > j.214L2827 (from 236S)-0.80AllVery EasyEasy Vanish confirm.
... > Vanish > 662M > 5M > sjc.LML2H > jc.4LLM2H > j.214L2847 (from 236S)-1AllMediumSlightly more difficult Vanish confirm.
... > 665L (whiff) > 5LL > 5LLL > SD > j.LL2H > jc.LL2H > j.214L2862 (from 236S)-0.77AllEasy5LLL Vanish confirm.
... > 665L (whiff) > 5LL > 5LLL > 214M[6] > 214S > 214L+M4260 (from 236S)-3.80AllEasy5LLL Vanish confirm into juiced level 3.


ComboDamageMeter GainWorks on:DifficultyNotes
2H > SD > j.MS, [j.L > delay j.L > j.S] * xMore damage than the Saiyan BNB would doMore than the Saiyan BNB would generateAllMediumBasegeta's good old classic ki blast loop!
2H is the easiest starter to learn it as you get the most loops possible from that starter, up to 5 (though 3 is what's usually most reliable to do).

If you're having trouble, scroll down for a tutorial on this specific combo.

2M > 5M > jc > j.M2H > SD > j.MS, [j.L > delay j.L > j.S] * 3, j.LL > 2H > jc.LLL4967~1.55AllMediumA combo featuring the classic ki blast loop. If combo scaling is too high, do 2 loops instead of 3.
5M > 2M > 5H > 236S > j.LL > jc.M > j.5S > j.LL > j.S > j.LL > delayed j.S > LAND 5L > 5S > 5H > SD > j.M > delayed j.S > LAND 5LLL > 236M5600~2AllMediumModern DBFZ requires modern loops. Optimal solo SKD combo.
Disc extension into modern ki blast loops means less delays.
(still, mind the ones that exist here!)
5M > 2M > 5H > 236S > j.LL > j.5S > j.LL > delayed j.S > land 5L > 5H > 236S > j.LL > j.5S > j.LL > j.2H > jc.LLL > Assist > j.DR5845~2AllEasyDisc loops, works off 5LL, only gives SKD with assist. Only one delay here. If you have an assist, this one's a good idea to use.
5M > 2M > 236M > 2M > [5H > SD > j.MS > 5L]*2 > 5LLL > 214M5022~1.51AllEasyOld 5H loops. Slightly more meter gain than the classic loops.
No real reason to do these, but it helps to know this route to understand Vegeta's combo theory.
5L/2L > 5M > 2M > 236M > 2M > 5M > jc.ML > jc.MS, j.LLS, j.LL delay S > 5L > 5S(2) > 5H > SD > j.MS > 5LLL > 214M(4205) 5609(~2.1) 1.99AllHardA variation of the modern loop using 5L/2L and 236M smash as a starter. This only works with an L starter, meaning if you do 2L > 5L or 5LL, they will pop out at the end. Not optimal, but fun to do.

Example here: https://streamable.com/jdlltj

DR(tap) > j.MS, [j.L > dl~j.LL > j.S]*3, j.LL2H > jc > j.LLL3507~2.1AllHardOnly tap dragon rush once during the animation. You want to have it say 27 hits. If you hold it and get 30 hits you can only loop twice instead of three times (damage is only 3402).

If connecting the j.MS is too hard, you can use j.LS. Damage will be 3417 instead.

DR(hold) > j.ML > j.2H > j.LL > j.S > j.L > delay j.L > j.S > j.LLL32501.8AllEasyEasier DR combo. Lets you hold DR.


This is a wormhole you will get sucked into, have fun.

ComboPositionDamageMeter GainWorks on:DifficultyNotes
2H > Sparking! > 2M > 5H > 2H > 214M > Assist > ...Corner??AllHigh damage ToD starter.
236L > Sparking! > 2M > 5H > delay 214M > Assist > 2M > 5H > jc.MS > airdash > j.LS > 2M > 5H > jc.MS > airdash > j.LS > 5LL > sjc.LL2H > jc.MH > Assist > j.DR or DR > 214S > SupersAnywhereTOD?AllMediumRoundstart TOD. 0 bar requirement with the right supers.
2M > 5H > 236S > Sparking! > 2H > j.214M > Assist 1/2 > 2M > 5H > 3S > sjc.MS > airdash > j.MS > 2M > 5(S) > 5H > jc.LL2H jc.LLL > Assist 1 + j.2H > j.H + Assist 2 > DR/j.DR > 214S > SupersCornerTOD~2 bar positiveAllEasyEasy guard cancel/reflect/walkout punish ToD.
2H > 214M > Sparking! > 2M > 5H > 3S > sjc.MS > airdash > j.MS > 2M > 5H > 3S > sjc.MS > airdash > j.MS > 2M > 5H > jc.LL2H jc.LLL > Assist 1 + j.2H > j.H + Assist 2 > DR/j.DR > 214S > Lvl 1 > Lvl 3CornerTOD~.675 bar positiveAllEasyEasy 2H ToD punish on wakeup SD during your j.1S oki.


ComboPositionDamageMeter GainWorks on:DifficultyNotes
... > 214M > Assist > j.DR > 214S > SuperCorner??AllSlightly boosts Base Vegeta's corner + super damage.
... > Assist > DR > 214S > SuperCorner??AllGrounded DR version.
... LLL > Long time length Assist/2 Assists > 214M > Assist hit > DR > 214S > SuperCorner??AllDouble assist ender, or single assist for cracked assists or some C assists. Can be finnicky.

Combo Theory

Base Vegeta excels in converting hits into larger combos than usual, but doesn't get much midscreen aside from ending in j.5LL > j.2H > j.2S > 214L for extra damage before a knockdown when a combo doesn't have heavy hitstun scaling. The corner is where this character opens up combo-wise.

If you want to Z-Tag him out, you're typically going to use 236L to do so. If you hit 236H > 236M, it's a good choice to Z-Tag to another character there too if you don't want to use meter to continue the combo.

In the corner, Vegeta has access to a plethora of free-form looping combos, which have become iconic and synonymous with the character. They revolve around Base Vegeta's Ki Blasts having a unique property where they don't affect Vegeta's gravity, leading to j.5L > j.5L > j.5S loops. Realistically, if you do not want to do any form of Vegeta's Ki Blast loops, you probably don't want to play this character competitively as his damage in the corner is otherwise subpar.

LLS and Looping Ki Blasts

Understanding how these combos work and mastering the unique delays in the strings is essential for Base Vegeta, as they also come with a sliding knockdown, set up okizeme, do good damage, and build good meter. This section will go over everything about his classic and modern corner loops.

How to do the classic loop

  1. Right as you hit the smash starter that sends Vegeta and the opponent upward, SD and subsequently hit j.MS, should be easy.
  2. Hit j.5L. This is the tightest part of the combo.
  3. Delay the second j.5L so that Vegeta physically dips below the opponent before that second light comes out. This is a fairly lenient delay, but it needs to be enough so where Vegeta visibly comes back up after a slight fall due to the auto combo tracking.
  4. Instantly input j.5S.
  5. Instantly repeat steps 2-5 for however many loops you want to go for, probably 2-3.

If you're having trouble with the visual of Vegeta dipping, this tutorial may work for learning the loop as well, which relies on a metronome instead of a visual. If you are familiar with DDR (the rhythm game),this could help too!

Each delay, or lack of, does something different in the combo, as shown in the chart below.
Once you understand the timing for the loop, you will start to make adjustments based on Vegeta's position mid-combo, potentially saving it from a drop.

Loop Balance
Button PressesEffects
jL delay LSMaintains Height
jLLSGains Height
jLL delay SLoses Height

5H > 236S, and Modern Ki Blast Looping
Vegeta's more optimal corner loops differ from his classic ones in that there are less delays and slightly more damage + meter gain. These usually start off 5H > 236S instead of 2H > SD > j.M. These may be easier mechanically, but this doesn't invalidate the classic loops; Vegeta still needs them whenever he needs to do a loop high up in the air, which encompasses tons of situations. Some combos also combine the two, like a midscreen to corner combo of his.

These modern loops rely on the enemy's height gain from j.5L > j.5L > delayed j.5S, allowing Vegeta to land while the enemy is stuck in the Ki Blast's hitstun, and higher in the air compared to if there was no delay. This then lets Vegeta extend with 5L into things like 5S and 5H, or 5LLL.

Midscreen Ki Blast Loop

Some character's assists give Base Vegeta Ki Blast loops midscreen for full corner carry. A document of all the characters that can (in patch version 1.25) with demonstrations can be found here.

These are extremely cool and give a lot of corner carry, but are extremely finnicky and precise to the point that they're seldom used. The loop relies on Vegeta getting lots of speed from the ground, so he needs a good, long dash before he starts the loop or this just won't work; if you can't start the loop at all, this is likely why. Whether you want to do these or not is up to you, as it's not required; still, they're REALLY sick...
It's the same input as the classic loop. Happy midscreen looping if you choose to go down this rabbit hole.

2M > 5M > jc.M > jc.MLH or S > Assist
Android 16C
Android 18B + C
Android 21C
Broly (DBS)C
Broly (DBZ)A + C
Gogeta (SSB)A
Gohan (Adult)C
Gohan (Teen)C
Goku (Base)A + C
Goku (SSB)C
Goku (UI)B + C
Goku BlackC
KeflaA + C
Kid BuuC
Super Baby 2C
Vegeta (SSB)A
Zamasu (Fused)A
... 5H > Assist
Android 16C
Android 18B
Android 21 (Lab Coat)C
Android 21C
Broly (DBS)C
Broly (DBZ)A + C
Captain GinyuC
Gogeta (SS4)C
Gogeta (SSB)C
Goku (Base)C
Goku (SS1)C
Goku (UI)B
Goku BlackC
Kid BuuC
Majin BuuC
Super Baby 2C
Vegeta (SS1)C
VegitoA + C
Zamasu (Fused)A + C
... 2H > 214M > Assist
Broly (DBZ)C
CoolerA + B + C
Gogeta (SSB)B
Gohan (Adult)A + C
Goku (GT)A
Super Baby 2C
Vegeta (SSB)A

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Frame Data


Dragon Ball FighterZ

Android 16

Android 17

Android 18

Android 21

Android 21 (Lab Coat)




Broly (DBS)

Captain Ginyu




Gogeta (SSGSS)

Gogeta (SS4)

Gohan (Teen)

Gohan (Adult)


Goku (Super Saiyan)

Goku (SSGSS)

Goku (Ultra Instinct)

Goku (GT)

Goku Black






Kid Buu


Majin Buu

Master Roshi



Super Baby 2




Vegeta (Super Saiyan)

Vegeta (SSGSS)

Vegito (SSGSS)



Zamasu (Fused)

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DBFZ - Vegeta Combos (2025)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.