17 Things Registered Dietitians Order When They Get Chinese Takeout (2024)

Daniel Frauchiger, Switzerland / Getty

5. Moo Shu Vegetables

Maxine C. Yeung, a registered dietitian, personal trainer, and wellness coach, and owner of The Wellness Whisk, likes to order this dish, which is typically served with hoisin sauce and thin pancakes for wrapping. "This dish is majority vegetables—a mix of diced egg and vegetables, such as cabbage, mushrooms, carrots, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, and sometimes cashews, flavored with scallions, ginger and garlic," she says, adding, "It's low in carbohydrates if you limit the number of pancakes or substitute with lettuces for wraps."

6. Moo Shu Chicken

Glassman goes for the chicken version for the lean protein it provides. "But make sure to ask for light sauce," she says. "It's most likely high in sodium and (unhealthy!) fat." Yeung also points out that the hoisin adds unnecessary sugar.

7. Steamed Anything

"I usually ask for my dish steamed with the sauce on the side," says Scritchfield. "Steamed helps to reduce the oil in the dish, making it lighter in calories and possibly a bit easier to digest. You can get most any dish steamed." This works for veggies, lean protein, rice, you name it.

Karen Beard / Getty

8. A Small Soup

Eating a broth-based soup first can help you eat less later on, explains Alissa Rumsey, R.D. She prefers hot and sour soup, while Bedwell goes for wonton. Keri Gans, R.D., always orders egg drop soup. "A one cup serving is only 66 calories, so even though your serving from a restaurant is larger, the calories are still in check. It also provides around 3 grams of protein and 1 gram of fiber per one cup serving." It's high in sodium, thought, which is something to keep in mind if you're trying to watch your intake.

9. Moo Goo Gai Pan

Entrees that come with plenty of veg are always good options, says Rumsey. "Moo Goo Gai Pan typically consists of stir-fried chicken with mushrooms and other vegetables, providing a balanced meal with just a light sauce. It comes with a lot of vegetables, so they are the main part of the meal, not just an afterthought." This is a favorite of Bedwell's, too: "It's flavorful and lean with chicken, mushrooms, and other mixed veggies and is not as high in sugars and fats as many other dishes."

10. Chinese Eggplant With Garlic Sauce

"I like Chinese eggplant in spicy garlic sauce because it's all vegetable! In addition to the eggplant, it usually comes with broccoli too," says Scritchfield.

17 Things Registered Dietitians Order When They Get Chinese Takeout (2024)


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